How to find products on AliExpress

Having such a huge number of products to choose from is great, but it can also be overwhelming. Do you want to find products on AliExpress, which will definitely sell well? To find and verify the winning products for your store, see the following steps.

1. See the best-selling AliExpress products (best sellers)

If you are looking for inspiration to start searching for products, the AliExpress homepage usually presents some of its own best-selling products. The "Top Ratings" page also highlights the most popular and best-selling listings in each of the 13 categories.

Navigate to the category that is most relevant to your area of ​​e-commerce, where you will gain a broad view of which is selling well right now.

2. Filter your search results on AliExpress

To get a more detailed survey, go to the category or subcategory that is most relevant to your business. Or, search for a relevant keyword.

Thousands of products are likely to appear, so you can use filters to narrow down your options. Find products on AliExpress without the use of filters it will take significantly longer!

To find the most popular products on AliExpress, sort the results by "Orders" and not by "Best Match". This way, you will see the records with the highest sales.

However, it should be noted that cheaper products often have the highest orders. With regard to profitability, you can set minimum pricing parameters to find items where you can make a significant profit.

Depending on your needs, you need to consider using additional filters: a minimum four-star product rating; free shipping, country of dispatch.

3. Criteria to watch out for AliExpress

You can now browse the filtered results until you find something suitable for your store. Because you have sorted them by number orders, you can be sure that the best items have a commercial appeal. However, you should also pay attention to lists with:

  • Detailed product descriptions
  • Impressive product photos
  • Great customer reviews - can be imported into your online store
  • EPacket delivery - it tends to be faster and often comes with tracking information
  • Vendors with a good response rate

They will be useful later when you sell products and provide customer support.