You may be thinking now that everything is so cheap at Aliexpress and maybe it's not even cheaper to shop. We'll show you he's coming.
Prices on Aliexpress are variable. For us, the cheapest price, which is stated in the comments at evaluated products. There we look at how much others have bought and then we know how much more it can drop price. Let's say we wanted to buy shoes that were supposed to come out for $ 30, but in reviews The people who bought them before automatically get the price at which they bought it - for $ 20. So we added the shoes to the wish list and we received notifications that the price is falling and we finally bought them for $ 21.
At Aliexpress, prices can both fall and rise. For example, the T-shirt we had in the basket two days, so it changed the price. We have been notified that the goods we have in the cart cost less, so we could buy it for a better price.
Update: Unfortunately, Aliexpress does not have the function at which the price of goods purchased by other customers. Therefore, we would recommend you to use the wish list and its new features. Click Pay less list and you will see the goods from your wish list. This sheet will show you the goods that are right in action.